Teacher Trainings / Workshops

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200-hour teacher training in Strasbourg Yogamoves

Starting February 8th 2019, I’ll be co-teaching this training with Janine Francke in 2 sessions of 2 weeks. The second session takes place in April starting on April 12th. More information here.










300-hour teacher training in Strasbourg, France

This training will be taught in French. It will meet in three sessions: from late June until October 2021. To apply for the program, contact
Janine Francke at janine@yogamoves.fr



Testimonials on teacher trainings

“I approached every day, every practice, every lecture with a motivation and an enthusiasm I haven’t felt in a long time.”
– Cathy

“Patience, firmness, and softness. Three words summarizing Céline’s qualities. They allow me to learn, to understand, and to integrate the knowledge she shared with us during these four weeks”
– Aude

“The most important thing I learned is that in order to be an excellent yoga teacher, one needs to be at the service to others: the safety of the postures first!”
– Gisela